End of the Strategic Campaign US Air Force: Events History
End of the Strategic Campaign

By 15 September, there was little left on the strategic target list. The last strategic mission was dispatched on 26 September against the huge Fusen hydroelectric plant near Hungnam. Eight B-29s from the 92nd put it out of action with a well-dropped pattern that cut the main water supply line to the turbines and knocked out the transformers.

After this strike, the Joint Chiefs ordered the bombers to go back to interdiction. With the ground armies advancing toward the Yalu at a very fast pace, and the Yalu itself as a barrier against any bombing further north, the available target area dwindled daily. The B-29s soon ran out of targets, and were not needed for ground support tasks because the offensive was so successful.

The Superfortresses had obliterated the targets on the list with the single exception of the Rashin area, taboo because of political considerations. One bomber was lost to enemy action. By the end of October, the 22nd and 92nd Groups, their task completed, were on their way back to the United States. On 27 October, FEAF Bomber Command stood down.